SC Republicans have a bad habit of saying one thing in election season but acting quite differently once in office. Most run on a bold platform of transparency, accountability, and fiscal conservatism, but always fail to deliver. Worse yet, some actively oppose conservative policies and constantly promote liberal ones.
An excellent example of this inconsistent behavior occurred a few weeks ago when SCFC Chairman Adam Morgan proposed a common sense amendment to the American Rescue Plan (aptly nicknamed “Biden Bucks”) funding bill. The amendment was simple and straightforward. It prohibited members of the Legislature from profiting off the infrastructure projects these dollars would fund.
A novel concept—lawmakers shouldn’t profit off laws they make.
SCFC Chairman Adam Morgan (Greenville) introducing the amendment
Shockingly, moderate Republicans joined forces with liberal Democrats to kill the amendment. After these opponents argued that this amendment was unneeded because “nothing like this ever happens in SC,” one Democrat member angrily complained that this amendment would have affected his business. You really can’t make this stuff up . . .
The names in green voted to kill this commonsense amendment
Just How Bad Are Things in SC?
A recent article in the Daily Wire included a revealing graph ranking each state’s Republican lawmakers on how conservatively they govern. Embarrassingly, South Carolina ranked 49th on the list. Only Hawaii has more liberal Republican legislators than us. California, New York, Connecticut, and Michigan all have more conservative Republicans than SC. Clearly we have a problem.
SC Republican legislators rank second to last on conservative governance
This stark reality is on full display this session through the bills the “Republican” supermajority chooses to prioritize: Hate Crimes, a $1.3 billion handout to a woke corporation making electric vehicles, tax incentives for Hollywood, the largest budget in state history, and creating a monopoly for legalized horse gambling. Why would we pass such liberal, crony legislation? Because the lobbyists wanted it.
The Freedom Caucus stood boldly against these liberal, big government schemes at every turn. We fought doggedly, called out the cronyism, and pulled the curtain back for the public. And we made some serious enemies doing it.
Liberal dark money groups funded by lobbyists and coordinating with moderate “Republicans” dumped over $200,000 into false attack ads against our members over the last few weeks. Most recently, sending attack mailers filled with lies from the Palmetto Truth Project into every Freedom Caucus district.
One of the numerous sensational attack ads against conservatives
Why spend this kind of money so far from an election to attack the real conservatives in the House?
Because this is the first time the establishment is feeling a threat to its power.
This is why the Freedom Caucus exists—to push the lobbyist and special interest influence out of the State House and let the people’s voice be heard.
Freedom Caucus Wins this Session:
Upset the status quo culture in Columbia that encourages and protects cronyism.
Removed language allowing illegal immigrants to get occupational and professional licensing that was hidden in a public safety bill. Thanks to Rep Thomas Beach (Anderson).
Stopped public schools from using taxpayer money to incentivize kids to take the Covid-19 vaccine. Thanks Rep Stewart Jones (Laurens) and Rep Thomas Beach.
Reps Thomas Beach (Anderson) and April Cromer (Anderson)
Passed Constitutional Carry expanding and protecting the 2nd amendment rights of law abiding citizens.
Forced on the record voting for judicial elections and on numerous conservative amendments to truly inform the public.
Stopped a bill expanding DEI training on state employees. Thanks Rep April Cromer (Anderson)
Passed and help strengthen the Transparency in Education Bill that prohibits political indoctrination (such as Critical Race Theory) in our schools.
And much, much more!
We are only getting started, but we need your help. The only way to truly change our state is for the people to exert your influence. Stay informed on how your legislator is voting and advocate for conservative policies!
You can count on the Freedom Caucus to continue fighting for our conservative values and to inform you about what’s happening in the People’s House.
I pray for the continued success of the the SC Freedom Caucus. We need men of integrity in our state and should not tolerate RINOs. As founder and President of Christian Families Against Destructive Decisions (CFADD) a organization whose mission is to influence the building of strong families and strong generational heritages holding conservative views and believing in limited government, traditional values and a meritorious system we support the Freedom Caucus.
Apostle Tommy E. Quick
Yes! We want to keep ours! That is as long as the caliber of men serving on it are good Christian men of integrity and want to hold their ground for our freedoms, liberties, and rights!!!!