Welcome to the SC Freedom Caucus Substack and Newsletter!
We are thrilled to finally offer these updates to our loyal supporters across the state! This newsletter is to inform you—the people—regarding pressing conservative policy initiatives and upcoming freedom events.
On that note, please join us tomorrow night, Monday April 3rd, at 6:45 PM for an Upstate Freedom Caucus Forum!
The event is hosted by WORD 98.9 and the Fourth District Republican Club. Our moderators for the event will be legendary conservative talk show hosts, Tara Servatius and Charlie James. Our panelists for the event will be State Freedom Caucus Network President, Andy Roth, Former US Senator Jim DeMint, and SCFC Chairman Adam Morgan.
If you are a freedom-loving, liberty supporting, America First patriot you will not want to miss this exciting event!
The event will take place at the Veranda located at 25 Global Drive, Greenville, SC. We encourage you to arrive early due to considerable public interest.
Come enjoy a night discussing the future of the conservative movement in SC and the unprecedented efforts of our SCFC freedom fighters to drain the swamp in Columbia!