This is a great step forward in protecting the lives of unborn children.

Now, how about protecting the lives of their parents? Pass Constitutional Carry

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Praise God! Thank you for standing strong! God bless you. Were must rid those in the house who voted nay.

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Who were the six?

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Thank you for persevering!

So - we start calling our Senators?

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Does this bill still support/allow the ABORTION PILL which can STILL BE USED AT HOME????????? PLEASE tell me it does not!!!!

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Thank you for your work in protecting our miracle preborn children!

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May 19, 2023·edited May 19, 2023

I will gladly celebrate when abortion is completely abolished, and every person from the cradle to the grave is protected. And by being protected, valued as Gods Image bearers. SDG

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Awesome! Now pass Constitutional Carry!

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Pregnancy is a very vulnerable and fearful time for a woman and she needs to know her child will be protected and cared for as needed. The support of family is too often missing so leaves the pregnant mother vulnerable to immoral charlatans that hold their personal gain more important than life for a baby.

How can we not protect the babies no matter the vulnerability of the mother?

Thank you for your continued steadfast support of protecting the important gift of God given life!

Continue the Mission!

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