I think that year by year it is becoming obvious to any conservative voter that SC, a red, southern, republican state, is being run NOT by the republican super majority in the General Assembly or by the all republican state executive offices. It is being run by the Uni-party, a coalition of neo-con/RINOS colluding with the demonrat party. It is infuriating and downright embarrassing that SC holds the dubious distinction of being the most liberal republican state. The hard-working taxpayers here are tired of rising taxes and fees which sit doing nothing to benefit the state or the taxpayers. The citizens are upset that their precious tax money is being used as incentive to lure foreign and left-leaning woke corporations to our state, from which the typical taxpayer gains nothing. We watch as increasing numbers of dangerous, ill illegal aliens invade our state with nothing being done by our republican elected officials do nothing to stop the invasion or, at the very least, to keep the numbers down. We wonder why so little legislation is passed to ensure our quality of life, but benefits special interests, corporations and lobbyists. Where are the bills to increase the quality of education instead of allowing left wing socialism and perversion to dominate our schools, K-college? Where we appreciate the efforts of the South Carolina Freedom Caucus, there aren't sufficient numbers to stop the runaway train of anti-American left-wingers from destroying our nation and our state. We have had enough of the arrogance and deceit. As the voting public, we need to get educated, encourage conservative candidates and stop voting for self-serving Uni-party politicians who believe they have a mandate to serve everybody except the taxpayers of SC.
I have long thought the leadership of our state legislature is in the pocket of the liberal left. They work hand and glove with Democrats to undercut ever conservative policy. Just by comparing the State House with the US House of Representatives the truth is glaringly obvious. In the US House the moment one party overtakes the other, every chairman or chairwoman who isn’t a member of the new majority is immediately replaced. If voters understood how powerful these Chair positions were, I think they’d have voted against the current leadership in the SC State House. It is stunning to see Democrats controlling so many of the most important committees in our legislature and all while the GOP has a super majority. It is nothing short of a betrayal of the Republican voters in our state.
"The Democrats and Republicans are in 99% agreement and are running us off the cliff. The ONLY thing they actually fight about is who gets to drive the bus."
I count on y'all to keep me informed on what shenanigans those good ol' boys are fixin to pull on us.
As more and more leftist trash moves down here from the garbage dumps up North and out West, it is more important than ever to keep them crushed and despondent.
Too bad you didn't name the author or provide a link to the piece the Democrat wrote. Odds are they live in a blue district so they can't do what a lot of Republicans do, be a Democrat but run as a Republican, which has been allowed to happen since the 1990's. Thus their quandary, they want to join their fellow big government types who control the legislature, but they can't due to their fear of losing if they also ran as a Republican candidate.
The problem isn't the gutless, immoral politicians, it's the gullible electorate.
Very accurate description of our republican representatives in Columbia! Thank you Freedom Caucus!
I think that year by year it is becoming obvious to any conservative voter that SC, a red, southern, republican state, is being run NOT by the republican super majority in the General Assembly or by the all republican state executive offices. It is being run by the Uni-party, a coalition of neo-con/RINOS colluding with the demonrat party. It is infuriating and downright embarrassing that SC holds the dubious distinction of being the most liberal republican state. The hard-working taxpayers here are tired of rising taxes and fees which sit doing nothing to benefit the state or the taxpayers. The citizens are upset that their precious tax money is being used as incentive to lure foreign and left-leaning woke corporations to our state, from which the typical taxpayer gains nothing. We watch as increasing numbers of dangerous, ill illegal aliens invade our state with nothing being done by our republican elected officials do nothing to stop the invasion or, at the very least, to keep the numbers down. We wonder why so little legislation is passed to ensure our quality of life, but benefits special interests, corporations and lobbyists. Where are the bills to increase the quality of education instead of allowing left wing socialism and perversion to dominate our schools, K-college? Where we appreciate the efforts of the South Carolina Freedom Caucus, there aren't sufficient numbers to stop the runaway train of anti-American left-wingers from destroying our nation and our state. We have had enough of the arrogance and deceit. As the voting public, we need to get educated, encourage conservative candidates and stop voting for self-serving Uni-party politicians who believe they have a mandate to serve everybody except the taxpayers of SC.
I have long thought the leadership of our state legislature is in the pocket of the liberal left. They work hand and glove with Democrats to undercut ever conservative policy. Just by comparing the State House with the US House of Representatives the truth is glaringly obvious. In the US House the moment one party overtakes the other, every chairman or chairwoman who isn’t a member of the new majority is immediately replaced. If voters understood how powerful these Chair positions were, I think they’d have voted against the current leadership in the SC State House. It is stunning to see Democrats controlling so many of the most important committees in our legislature and all while the GOP has a super majority. It is nothing short of a betrayal of the Republican voters in our state.
"The Democrats and Republicans are in 99% agreement and are running us off the cliff. The ONLY thing they actually fight about is who gets to drive the bus."
I count on y'all to keep me informed on what shenanigans those good ol' boys are fixin to pull on us.
As more and more leftist trash moves down here from the garbage dumps up North and out West, it is more important than ever to keep them crushed and despondent.
South Carolina: First to Fight
Also, F Lindsay Graham
Thank you, Freedom Caucus for this insightful article.
Too bad you didn't name the author or provide a link to the piece the Democrat wrote. Odds are they live in a blue district so they can't do what a lot of Republicans do, be a Democrat but run as a Republican, which has been allowed to happen since the 1990's. Thus their quandary, they want to join their fellow big government types who control the legislature, but they can't due to their fear of losing if they also ran as a Republican candidate.
The problem isn't the gutless, immoral politicians, it's the gullible electorate.